Friends of the Children - New York | Meet Fabian

2025 Step Up Gala Sponsorship Opportunities


February 13, 2023

Meet Fabian

Achiever Highlight

Meet Fabian

My name is Fabian. I am 11 years old and in 6th grade. I have been a part of Friends of the Children New York since I was 4 years old. My favorite thing I used to do with my dad was go to the zoo and ride my tricycle. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer, it got hard for him to do the same things he did when he was healthy. I was lucky to have caring adults in my life including my Friend, Rakim.

When my dad got sick and then passed, my mom and I talked a lot about our feelings and wrote them in a journal. We turned our writing into a children’s book called Daddy Has Cancer to help other children who may be going through something similar. Now I am a published author. My Friend, Rakim, is really funny and has cool glasses. He has known me since I was in 2nd grade. We play basketball, video games, and go to cool museums. Rakim takes me to delicious restaurants like IHOP. Other times we hang out at the Friends space in Harlem. When I was struggling to learn division, Rakim helped me by finding objects and putting them in groups for us to count together. He taught me about the connection between division and multiplication. Now math is my favorite subject.

And if you want to check out my book, you can buy it here on

Love, Fabian